Thursday, August 31, 2006

Carrot Monster

These two photos, taken about two hours apart, show just how much Rose loves to eat carrots. Before... ...and after.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


We hear rumors that our blog for the twins is actually being regularly viewed by many people near and far--some of whom we've met and some not! We're curious as to who all is out there, so we are asking people to put a comment on this posting as a sort of Guest Book.

Just below this post you should find the word "Comments" in green--please click on that link and use the comment form that comes up to give us your name, where you live, and (if we've never met you) how you got linked to our blog.
You will need to check "anonymous" at the bottom of that form unless you already have a blogger log-in.

Looking forward to hearing from you all!
--rob, becky, rose, and august

Monday, August 28, 2006

Bathing Baby-Beauties

Here are some photos of Rose and August trying out the neighborhood wading pool for the first time on Sunday. Rose loved the water. She splashed at the surface and was unhappy when it was time to get out.

Rose made a new friend in the pool.

August cried when we tried to put him in the water, but he loved watching the older kids splash around.

Banana Break-through

After several days of refusing solid food, on Saturday August started eating bananas! We're not sure prompted him to try them, but he seemed to enjoy them and today moved on to sweet potatoes. Here's Rose chilling out after her snack of sweet potatoes.

Here's August trying out a bite of bananas.

Friday, August 25, 2006

First food for Rose

On August 13, the twins turned six months old, so they started trying out solid foods. Rose loves the new flavors - she's had rice cereal, carrots and bananas- and she dives for the spoon when she sees it coming. August, on the other hand, makes a terrible face when the spoon is in front of him and looks at the floor to keep his mouth out of reach. So it will be a while until we've got some of him to post. Here is Rose slurping up rice cereal.

August waves to the camera (but not on purpose.) Both babies are sitting up without support now, but they're still pretty wobbly. We put the Boppy pillow around them to cushion the inevitable tumbles.

First trip to Mt. Rainier

Last Friday we took the babies on their first visit to Mt. Rainier, the mountain that looms over the Puget Sound region. The trip was prompted by a visit from our friend Andrew who hadn't been to Mt. Rainier before either. We - Rob and Becky- were happy for an excuse to get out to the woods on a beautiful day Becky holding Rose in her big REI hat and Rob holding August.
Rob, August and Andrew posing in front of the mountain.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Family Reunion and Anniversary

Here's some photos finally from Rob's parents' 50th anniversary and his family reunion that we attended in Indiana/Michigan earlier this month.

Here's the two looking tired out after a long day at the reunion.

Augie happily sits with Grandma Yoder.

Augie with Rob's cousin Tom and wife Sonya in a flowery spot.

The twins cuddle with their Uncle Chris.

Rosie checks her cousin Casey's teeth [formerly spelled "Cassie"].

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

At the Airport

We left Seattle on August 10 for Michigan to help Rob's parents celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary. It was a rough day to fly starting with a three hour wait in the security line. Both babies did great, however, and stayed happy throughout most of the flight and the driving. Here is Rob lugging both babies and some of our luggage through the airport.
Augie's all strapped in and ready for takeoff on his first plane ride.
Becky and Rose looking exhausted before the flight even begins.
August and Rose taking a nap on vacation. This has nothing to do with the airport, but it was just too cute to leave out.

We're Back!

We are home again from our first major family trip. From August 10 -14 we joined Rob's family in Michigan to celebrate his parent's 50th Wedding Anniversary. The trip was great but we're glad to be home. Here are some photos of the babies playing at home.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Playing around

Here are some pics. of the babies playing together on the floor this afternoon. They had a good time until Rose rolled too close to August and he screamed until I moved him away.
I left Rose lying on her back on the blanket while I put away a few toys and when I came back she'd rolled herself up in the blanket. Here's the best "peek-a-boo" photo I got from her.