Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Yes, we actually dressed the twins up for their first halloween. Overkill, perhaps, for 8 month olds, but Becky found these costumes on a sale rack for only $6 each, so we couldn't resist. We took them to a kids trick-or-treating thingy at an outdoor mall and then they also wore their costumes to help us pass out candy to kids who came to our door.

Rose was a Ladybug.

And August was a Dinosaur (or Dragon, or something).

Here we are at the mall event. (In the new stroller that we finally decided upon, by the way.) It was COLD out!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

A Forgotten Photo

We forgot to add this photo of Rose to the last posting. She's so often serious for the camera so we really wanted to include this giggly one on the blog.

Story Time

We try to read stories to the babies each night before bed as part of a bedtime ritual. It's supposed to get them ready for the transition to sleep, but it frequently just seems to get them even more wound up!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


This past weekend we carved pumpkins to prepare for Halloween. Actually, Rose and August were asleep during the artwork so in this photo they are too interested in studying the Jack-O-Lanterns to smile for the camera.

We still haven't settled on costumes for the babies for Halloween or decided for sure if they'll dress up at all. Any suggestions? Our next-door-neighbor Max, who is 5, made a princess mask for Rose and a vampire mask for August.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Aunt Juel and Cousin Betty Visit

Juel and Betty came up from Oregon this weekend for a visit.

We went to Pike Place Market on Saturday and Auggie had his first experience in one of those "things where you stick your face out through a body painted on a board" (What in the world do you call those things, anyway??) Here he's an ear of corn in formal wear (?!?!?).

Juel also brought them "Shrek" ears from their recent trip to Hollywood.
They didn't keep them on like this for long!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

We're in the midst of trying to choose a new stroller to buy since the twins are about to outgrow their infant carseats (which fit into their old stroller frame). We found this beat-up version of one we've been considering for only $25. Decided to buy it to find out if we like the design.
Here they are testing it out.

Auggie managed to lose one of his shoes. So instead he found one of Rose's and gave it a good chewing.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Here's Mommy with Auggie and Rose snuggling-in on Saturday morning. These days, one or both of the babies usually wind up in bed with us by morning--sometimes much of the night. (We're working on getting a bigger bed...)

Rosie tussles with Daddy on the floor. No crawling yet, but she can really get around by rolling, when she wants.

Monday, October 02, 2006

August gets a hat!

Last week our friend Kristen brought August a hat she'd knitted especially for him and his extra big head. He had a good time modeling it for us so I thought I'd post two of the pics. here.