Thursday, December 14, 2006

Gettin' Ready to Fly

Sorry we haven't posted anything lately. We've been very busy with Christmas plans and Grandma Gloria's visit (and trying out the new video camera rather than taking still pictures).
Here's a few shots of the twins playing this morning while we get ready to take them all to the airport. Everybody but Daddy is flying off to Pennsylvania to Grandma's house--then Daddy will fly to join them there on Christmas Eve. On the 29th, Grandma and Grandpa Yoder will also come to PA. to see everyone.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Babies' best friend

The babies have recently become interested in animals. Rosie in particular has taken a shine to Buddy, our friend Kristen's dog. Every time Rose sees him she smiles, chatters and wiggles all four limbs. Here she is checking him out as he tries to take an afternoon nap.August and Rose get a little closer to the dog.
Rose gets up the nerve to pat Buddy on the nose. Thank you, Buddy for being so patient and gentle with our family!