Thursday, February 22, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Weekend in Oregon
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Birthday Presents
Time out declared by Mommy for nose-wiping (this happens alot around here right now).
Then it's back to the ripping.
Here's the two of them checking out one of the toys they got--a little musical piano with animals that twirl around when the music plays.
Birthday "Cake"!
After Mommy helped them out with blowing out the candles, they each got their own little cake to do with as they pleased.
Then Auggie got the idea and dug into his with abandon, shoving handfuls in his mouth and spreading the rest all around,
but Rose didn't seem interested in eating it at all, and soon just melted down completely--oh, the pressure of your first birthday event!
Early Birthday Outting
They both seemed to have a great time! We were afraid they might tire of it quickly, but they seemed to enjoy almost every exhibit the whole way through.
A scuba diver who was cleaning the inside of the glass had a good time playing peek-a-boo with Rose.
At the end there is a "hands on" section with some types of sea life in a shallow pool where you are allowed to put your hands in and touch them. Auggie and Rosie both dipped their hands in, with a lot of assistance. Auggie was a bit more cautious about it than Rose.