Thursday, March 29, 2007

Bedtime routines

Ever since the kids were very small, we've tried to have a consistent bedtime routine. It's evolved into getting PJ's on, brushing teeth, reading books, singing and rocking before bed. Lately, however, August has added his own element - resistance - to the routine. He kicks, rolls, screams and crawls away to avoid getting dressed for bed. Last night I managed to get his T-shirt on his right arm only and his diaper fastened on the left side only, before I had to take a breather. I know that this same scenario plays itself out every night in homes all over the world, but it didn't stop me from snapping a picture of it anyway.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

On the Mend

It's been a while since our last post. Unfortunately, we've been busy trying to recover from a second round of illness which hit our family last weekend. For the past week our exhausted kids didn't feel like playing and we didn't feel like blogging. But we're on the mend now, and August and Rose are back at work breaking in their new toddler toys. One of their favorites is the Busy Zoo activity block (left). It's also one of mommy and daddy's favorites because it doesn't take batteries and so it can't make any wacky noises over and over.

They also really love their Chicco Music 'N Play table (which does take batteries and makes some wacky repetitive sounds.) Here they work at playing the keyboard using Old MacDonald's head.
In the last week, we've both had a few moments of panic in which we haven't heard the usual raucous coming from wherever August is playing. When we've raced to find out what's up, we've discovered that he's gotten himself a book and is quietly looking at it. It's a pretty cute sight, but this is the only photo I've managed to get so far.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Hanging in there

It's been a rough week here for the Yodelings as one by one we've all gotten sick with a nasty stomach bug. This includes Becky's mom, Gloria who's been visiting from Pennsylvania. We're mostly on the mend but August is still struggling to recover and has been pretty unhappy. Last night just as we were getting the kids to bed a transformer exploded a few block away and our power went out. With one sick baby, the temperatures dropping (we have electric heat) and no sign of utility trucks we decided at 10:30pm camp out in a friend's living room for the night. The power came back on at 2am, but we were happy to be toasty warm and asleep somewhere else then. Thanks to our friend Anna for coming to the rescue! Stuck in the house all week, Rose and August had grown bored with their toys and got interested in Grandma Gloria's curlers. They soon got the idea that the curlers were supposed to go in their hair and Grandma helped them get the look down.
Maybe it's the testosterone at work, but Augie had a harder time with this concept than his sister. He thought the curlers were better for chewing.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Thursday twins group

Every Thursday Becky, Rose and August meet with a group of moms and their twins at a church in Mercer Island. We've been meeting since last June and
have had a great getting to know one another and problem-solving the difficulties of having twins.
This week our friends Jane, Alison and Sarah brought along their Radio Flyer wagon for everyone to try. Rose and August loved it and worked hard at pushing each other and some of their friends around. Here is August and Rose with Jane.
August gives Sophia a ride around the church hall.
Some of the babies take a break for some Veggie Booty.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

On the Move

The kiddos are both working hard on learning to walk. Auggie has come from behind on this in the last week, now acting more adventurous than Rose in trying short attempts at bipedal ambulation (still only averaging 3-4 steps before falling over). He is a lot less cautious in general than her, especially when trying to get at something he wants.

They both can toddle along pushing this toy cart thingy, if we set them up and aim them for an open area. Auggie is, again, the more enthusiastic in this activity, plowing ahead until he runs into something and has to be assisted in steering free.

Rosie gets a turn.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Rob took the kids to a local mall on monday so Becky could get some studying done. There is a padded playzone there that the twins are just old enough now to try. They loved it! Half the fun for them is watching other kids run around.

They're not much of climbers yet, but they had a great time just walking around this "boat" holding on.

Rose had some fun interaction with these little girls who were crawling under the walkway (once she realized they were there).