Saturday, December 29, 2007

Georgia Holiday Trip - Part 1

Well, I'm finally getting around to posting some of the photos from our trip to GA the week before Christmas. Guess I'll just proceed chronologically for lack of a better way to organize things.

We stayed the first two nights, and the last one, at my niece Kim's place an hour south of Atlanta. She and Charlie and their daughters Briana and Lilly were wonderful hosts for us, but somehow we never got proper pictures of them all. Sorry about that y'all!

On day one we drove down to Macon to see my old friend Lee and his partner Chris. They were gracious hosts and their cats were incredibly tolerant of Auggie and Rose's incessant interest. Here's Lee with Auggie.

Later that day, brother/uncle Chris and niece/cousin Casie came over to eat Chili and read books. Later in the week, Chris presented the twins with their own personal copy of the book they are reading here: One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.

On day two (Monday), we headed all the way out past Athens to Jubilee Partners, the community where we first met as volunteers 15 years ago, and where we still have old friends. They have a plethora of different animals there right now, including this several week old calf. Auggie was very interested in it until it began to "moo" loudly for its mother, which scared him so bad he began to cry.

Here we are with our old friends Glenn and Barb and their daughter Sophie. They were new volunteers there with us those many years ago.

We finally made it all the way to Grandma and Grandpa Yoder's house up in the mountains that night.
Rosie and Auggie both liked this little bench in their living room that was perfectly toddler sized.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas house

We (Rob and Becky) spent part of Christmas eve constructing a cardboard playhouse for the kids and we're pretty pleased with the results. The kid loved it and were really surprised to find it Christmas morning.

The final result. We got lots of cardboard from Home Depot and were able to tape two boxes together and cut a door between them for a tunnel.
The mail slot on the left was a big hit.
Augie hiding out inside.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Greeting from the Yodeling Family

Just recorded this at 7:30am Christmas morning (notice it's still dark outside in the window behind us).

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Some Video Filler

We've been gone the last week to Georgia to visit family. We've got lots of photos to upload, but for now here's a video from several weeks ago that I hadn't gotten around to posting. It's the kids sitting and bouncing on some big balls to music.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Becky just finished up the fall quarter of school so she and the computer are free again! Time to catch up on some blogging with some pictures of last weekend. The kids love to have company these days and do their best to have everyone who visits read them a book. Our friend Anna made Augie especially happy by reading him a book about a farm.

We spent a fun evening at Winterfest, a collection of holiday activities at Seattle Center. The carousel was huge hit... was the model train.

Augie loved the trains and tries to relive the magic in his Thomas the Tank Engine playhut.

Saturday, December 01, 2007


We had a really heavy snowfall this afternoon. By the time the kids got up from their naps, there was 3 inches or so on the ground. We quickly bundled them up and got outside since it was predicted to turn to rain later in the day (it still hadn't at the time of this posting). They both got really excited looking at the snow out the windows and couldn't wait to get out there and see what that was all about.

Here they are in their nice matching snow suits donated by fellow twin-parents Miguel and Anne-Marie. They worked great!

Rob took them each on a sledding run down the little hill in front of our building. The both seemed to like it (though you wouldn't know it from the look on Rose's face in the second picture) and they went down several times. That's Auggie in the top picture.

Daddy then pulled the other three members of the family around in the tobaggan a bit. A real workout for him.

After getting all cold and wet, we let the kids warm up by snuggling on the couch with the special treat of a Barney video. A great snow day!