Monday, March 31, 2008

New Boot Modeling

The twins got new boots recently and they're both very excited about them.

August got some fireman boots. He really likes them, but they're still kind of big and so fall off easily.

Rose got some nifty pink boots.

Here she is showing off her unique fashion sense, using Grandma Gloria's fuzzy scarf to accessorize her boots. She was very excited to parade around like this!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

On a rare nice sunny afternoon recently (the weather has been cold and ugly the last week!) we took the kids out back with our croquet set to get a little sun time.
They did suprisingly well with the mallets.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Aquarium Outing

On my (Rob's) day off this week, Grandma and I loaded up the kids and went off to the aquarium.

One of the employees got out this seastar in a bowl for August to touch.

Rose had a good time playing with this flannel-graph thingy.

Auggie went straight up to this cut-out, put his head through, and said, "Auggie octopus!".

As we were leaving, the weather turned nice and sunny, so we walked around a bit on this boardwalk area.

Gettin' Dressy

Auggie and Rosie are always amenable to playing dress-up. Recently they tried on some new spring wear they got in the mail.

Rose tried out a coat and hat combo that was originally made for Becky by Grandma Gloria many years ago.

And Auggie got decked out in a little suit handed down from his cousin Jared.

Looking good and ready for Easter!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Various Playing

Here's some shots of the twins from random days around here recently.

One game they like lately is climbing into Mommy and Daddy's bed, pulling up the covers and calling out "Night-night!". They never stay there for long, though...

Here we managed to capture two different incidences of them sitting and looking at a book together. (Of course they lost the really adorable poses before we could snap the photos.)

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Visit from (Daddy's) Cousin Faith

Rob's cousin Faith was in town to visit again last week. We had a delightful visit with her as usual. We went for a long walk around the neighborhood as it was such a pretty day. Then back inside for a little clowning around.

Rose models her dolly's hat.

Everyone stops running around long enough for a quick picture.

Random Video Clips

Here's a couple video clips from yesterday.