At least they look like little angels when fast asleep, don't they?
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
At least they look like little angels when fast asleep, don't they?
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Big Beds
Hamming it up for the camera.
Monday, March 02, 2009
Long, Gray Winter...Now Here's Some Dancing!
So, the embarassing truth is that we've taken NO pictures in the last two months. I'm not kidding--none. How did this happen? I'm not sure, exactly, but I guess it's just been a period filled with very little we really wanted to document: we've been focused intensely on potty-training, there's been several rounds of illnesses, the weather has meant we haven't gone much of anywhere, and, frankly, we just haven't been inspired to get out the camera to take another picture of us sitting in our living room watching DragonTales videos. Even the kids 3rd birthday didn't inspire photography as they were both sick that day and our plans for some kind of celebratory outing eventually fizzled and faded away.
But wait! Here's some new video of the kiddos kicking some inspiring dance moves, to show just how big they are these days!
And, a cute anecdote! We were walking along a busy street one recent evening on our way back from a dinner out. I (Rob) was walking holding hands with Rosie, who was on the side closest to the street. Breaking our silence, she cheerily blurted out, "Daddy, I'm smiling at the people in the cars!" I looked down and, sure enough, there she was, a big grin beaming on her face as she carefully rotated her head to follow each car as it passed us and share her smile with them.