Saturday, January 23, 2010

More Georgia Catch-up

Prepping a big breakfast at the campsite.

Grandpa makes toast over the fire.

Back in Atlanta (or near it, anyway), Auggie and Rosie get reacquainted with their cousins Kylie and Lilly.

Clowning with Aunt Jacinta and Uncle Chris.

Swamp Trip (Oops, This is Late!)

I just realized that we never posted anything from our trip to Georgia to see Rob's family in early December. So better late than never...

During part of the trip we drove all the way down to the southern border of the state to go to the Okenefokee Swamp for a few days--a place near and dear to the Yoder family. Chris and Jacinta camped out, while the Yodelings and Grandma & Grandpa hid out in the luxury of a rental cabin.

As you can see, it was a bit chilly the first day. This is at C & J's campsite.

Here we are taking a break from boating by stretching our legs at Billy's Island in the middle of the swamp. (Jacinta and Chris are both in the background.)

There's a wonderful boardwalk nature trail that runs out into the swamp at the edge of the state park.

August found something of interest (an acorn, I think).

The kids had a really good time seeing all the animals: deer, alligators, turtles, lots of large birds.
At the marina, this medium-sized gator obligingly crawled up on the boat ramp while we watched, allowing us to get a really good look.

Monday, January 18, 2010

MLK Day March

Today was a beautiful sunny day here in Seattle, so we ventured out with the kids to take part in the annual Martin Luther King Day march through town. We had actually taken them on one 3 years ago when they were very little and stroller-bound, but this was the first time since then that it seemed like a reasonable idea.
This is the only decent photo we got of them in action. Auggie is wearing a little drum Mommy made for him out of an oatmeal can, while Rose is carrying a "shaker" made from an old tin can filled with dry beans. August was the hit of the parade with his little drum--people kept stopping to take his picture or make encouraging comments to him.

Superhero Guy

Probably the best thing Auggie got for Christmas this year was a "superhero kit" that included simply a cape, several cardboard masks, and lots of stickers featuring stars, lightning bolts, etc. He's had a lot of fun with it, and there are lots of creative possibilities.

Add a pumpkin hat and you're "Super Squash" (or something).

You may even have the power to control Daddy's mind and make him join forces with you.