Monday, December 20, 2010


I (Rob) took the twins to "zoolights" last night, which is a festival of lights thingy they do at the Point Defiance Zoo every year. They decorate the whole place up with strings of lights--every bush, tree, and building--and have lots of big pictures of animals done up in lights, which the kids really liked. It was crazy crowded there! I had no idea it was so popular.
Behind them you can see (sort of) an open hillside where all the bushes are covered in lights.

Inside the aquarium building they have this big mock-up of a sharks mouth. Rose is doing her impression of the shark opening wide. Auggie worked on that long lollipop much of the time we were there and still only managed to eat about a third of it.

First (Pre)School Program

We felt like we passed another one of those parenting milestones the other night--the kids had their first holiday program at their preschool for us to attend.
The twins' class sang "I want a hippopatamus for Christmas", complete with hippo puppets they had made. They did amazingly well considering the length of the song. (They had been practicing every night here at home for almost two weeks.)

Below is the video I shot on our photo camera, since we didn't have the video camera with us. It's a bit shaky because of the distance involved and it ends abruptly because we reached the maximum video clip length it will record.