Sunday, February 13, 2011

5 Years Old!!

Sunday was the twins' 5th Birthday. They donned their birthday cake hats and opened a whole mound of presents from folks near and far. Later we went to Red Robin for lunch because the staff comes over and sings happy birthday to you (and the kids love it there anyway).

Christmas Finally Comes to a Close

Aunt Juel came up from Oregon this weekend to celebrate the kids' birthday. On Saturday we also finally exchanged Christmas gifts with her (due to a hastily cancelled visit back in mid-December).
Here Juel examines the bag o' jelly beans that Auggie picked out for her.

Juel got the kids some new costumes--always a hit with them. August got a magician's outfit, while rose got some kind of fairy crown, skirt, and wand.

Hamish Turns the Big 1.0

We trekked up to Bellingham a few weeks ago for our friend Hamish's first Birthday Party.
The birthday boy himself. Check out the styling scarf he's wearing!

Rose tries the cake.

Auggie got these glasses as a party favor. He loved them so much he fell asleep in them on the drive home.

This photo is not related to Hamish's birthday. Becky got a new laptop computer for her birthday (a bit belatedly), and this is a sample of the conditions she must work under when using it--it's a preschooler magnet!