Monday, January 09, 2012

Bowling with Aunt Juel

Aunt Juel came up from Oregon the week after Christmas and helped us out with taking care of the kids while they were on break. One of the afternoons she took them bowling, which they had never tried before.
The following are her photos of the event:

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Georgia - Part II

Rose and cousin (okay, technically cousin once-removed) Kylie got matching princess nightgowns and were as pleased as punch.

Diana, Charlie, and Kim with newest family addition/cutie Jagger.

Cousins Brianna and Lily.

Cousin Casie and her sweetie Alan (with back to camera).

All family gatherings must have a kids' table!

Georgia - Part I

This year we went to Georgia at Christmas to see Rob's side of the family.
The twins in front of a playhouse Uncle Chris made for them out of a big packing box.

Baking cookies with Grandma Marjorie.

August and Grandma

Kids and Grandparents on the porch (with canine companions).

Posing with Gatorboy (a.k.a. Crash). Rose spent half the time scared of him and the other half bossing him around. Auggie had a serious dog-crush on him from the first moment.


Yes, these are from more than a month ago... And there's more to follow.

The sleigh picture is from the Christmas tree farm where we went and got our tree this year. They had this photo-op scene set up there.

Santa and the snowman character were at the "bridge-lighting" celebration we went to in Sumner (next to the Old Cannery furniture store). Lots of fun, actually, though it was cold out.

These last ones are of the big Native American carved statue that stands in downtown Tacoma. In the close up of Auggie you can see Mt Rainier in the distance behind the big bridge.