Sunday, September 30, 2012

Grandma and Grandpa Visit + Fall Hike

Grandpa and Grandma Yoder were here for a visit while on their way to and from Alaska.  We had a wonderful time with them, but this is about all the photos we took while they were here!

The following weekend the four of us trekked up to Sunrise high on the side of Mt Rainier for a family hike.  The kids did quite well, though it took quite a few hours to complete the 3 mile trail we chose.  The most exciting part was we actually saw a bear in a meadow at one point.  And, ideally, it was probably about 100 feet away from us--close enough to get a good look at it but not so close as to feel scarey.  Unfortunately, it ambled off into the woods before we could get a photo of it.  This was near the beginning of the hike, which was fortuitous because the kids had been feeling leary of the idea we might encounter a bear and this helped calm their fears.

Mount St. Helens