Sunday, September 11, 2016

Ohop Indian Village and Mariners Game

We finally got out to the Ohop Indian Village museum, which is something we've talked about for several years.  It's part of the Pioneer Farm museum out by Eatonville.  A very nice lady guided us through the several demonstration areas there, detailing what life would have been like through the course of the different seasons in a traditional Puget Sound native village.  The kids seemed to thoroughly enjoy it!
August tries on some traditional clothing.

Rose (far left) and Gloria learn about making jewelry.

Rose, August, and Becky try out the loom.

Auggie and Rob also joined up with Tom and Charlie for some father/son time at the Mariners baseball game on Labor Day.  It was August's first time at the big league ballpark.

Charlie (left) and Auggie with their faces in some big photo cutouts in the "kids zone".

Oh--and here's a random photo of August with the Sasquatch mascot at the big Puyallup State Fair.


August & I (Rob) went backpacking for one night at the end of August.  This was Auggie's first overnight trip ever--and my first since before the kids were born.  We went up to the Crystal Lakes in Mt Rainier National Park, which sit high on a ridge at the edge of the park.  It was only less than 3 miles in, but the climb was fairly severe so it was a definite workout.
Auggie at the upper lake where we went exploring after making camp.

And at the lower lake next to our camp.  He couldn't resist trying the water, though he quickly regretted it due to the deep, sticky mud!

On our hike out the next morning, we saw this fascinating lenticular cloud formation above Rainier.  It's above and downwind of the mountain, caused by the air currents rising over the 14,000 foot peak.  They're a common phenomenon, though they are usually just the disk that you see at the bottom hanging in the sky by themselves above the mountain.  I've never seen one attached to a larger cloud like this before.

Motor Boat

Rob got a Wednesday off so we decided to fulfill a longtime yearning and rent a motor boat from the Point Defiance Boathouse.  We motored around the Point and Commencement Bay for several hours and had a wonderful time.  We saw lots of herons, a bald eagle up close, dozens of seals (sorry no pics...) and buzzed close by some of the large ships anchored there.
August and Rose even each got a turn at steering the outboard motor!

Beach for Grandma Gloria's 80th

The first week of August we went to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware again with Becky's Mom and sister Beth's family.  We were able to celebrate Gloria's 80th birthday with her while we were there.
Gloria, Logan, and Jared

August, Rose, and Gloria

Becky, Gloria and Beth

Before departing for home, we swung by Palmyra, Penn. so we could visit Becky's aunt Nellie, who is now in a care home.  She was in a very good mood and it was very nice to see her!