Wednesday, June 28, 2006

More firsts!

After days of practicing and spending most of her time on her left side like the photo, Rose rolled over onto her tummy last night! She slept quite soundly that way and we're hoping this will help make bedtime less stressful for her.

The babies also went to their first movie yesterday, "Click" with Adam Sandler. The Loews cinema shows a movie for moms with babies under 1 year every Tuesday morning. Rose and August slept through most of it and were very good babies when they were awake.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

We just got out the "Johnny Jump Up" some one gave us and tried it out. Both Auggie and Rose seemed to have fun in it.

On a hot day at the park, the twins try out their new sunglasses. (Rose left; August right)

Friday, June 23, 2006

First Camping Trip!

Well, devoted campers that we are, we took the plunge and carted the kids out on their first camping trip. We only went for one night and only to a state park less than an hour away (so we could bail out for home easily if things went completely awry). It was a lot of work, especially feeding, changing, etc. in the tent in the middle of the night, but overall it actually went pretty well. Both the twins were on their best behavior and we even got in a nice long walk in their new fancy off-road stroller. Don't know if we're up for more than another trip or two this year, considering the challenges, but glad we gave it a try already.

Unfortunately, we had a problem with the camera, and almost all our photos were blurry.
Here's a decent one of Rob and the babies warming up in the chilly early morning.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Fashion shoot

Last week August and Rose got some fancy clothes in the mail from Great Aunt Nellie. Here are photos of them modeling the new outfits.

Here we are trying to get organized and balanced.
Augie looking smart in his yachting outfit.
Rosie in her pretty dress.
The twins posing in their nautical outfits.

Weekend fun

This weekend we took the babies to their first parade, the annual Fremont Solstice Parade. Here we are with all our gear. Becky is holding Rose and Rob is holding August. Rose in the swing. She prefers to swing side-to-side while August prefers to swing front-to-back.
August likes to hang out on our new green couch. Still working on sitting up he can be propped up here and look all around.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Becky and the babies

Becky and Rose watching the Sunday morning news in their jammies. We took the babies to Kelsey Creek Park in nearby Bellevue for a walk today. In this photo August is peeking out of the Baby Bjorn carrier with Becky and Rose is in the stroller (they switched later.) They both giggled while in the carrier and fell asleep in it or immediately after being taken out of it, so for now it's a hit!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Rob's day off

Today was Rob's day off from work so we loaded the babies, the stroller, the breastfeeding pillow and Becky's knitting into the van and took a trip to Kayak Point park near Tulalip. The weather was just about perfect -warm, sunny and still.

Here's a picture of our usually-smiley boy, August. Though he's typically a happy baby, he gets very serious when he spies a camera. In the past week he's treated us to a few runs of laughs and giggles that make him sound like little boy rather than a baby.

Here are Rob and Rose looking over the water at Kayak Point Park. Rosie has become a very chatty baby, babbling like crazy for long stretches. She's also started grabbing on to everything can reach like Daddy's sleeve.