Friday, June 23, 2006

First Camping Trip!

Well, devoted campers that we are, we took the plunge and carted the kids out on their first camping trip. We only went for one night and only to a state park less than an hour away (so we could bail out for home easily if things went completely awry). It was a lot of work, especially feeding, changing, etc. in the tent in the middle of the night, but overall it actually went pretty well. Both the twins were on their best behavior and we even got in a nice long walk in their new fancy off-road stroller. Don't know if we're up for more than another trip or two this year, considering the challenges, but glad we gave it a try already.

Unfortunately, we had a problem with the camera, and almost all our photos were blurry.
Here's a decent one of Rob and the babies warming up in the chilly early morning.


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