Sunday, July 30, 2006

Bedtime books

The twins are practicing how to sit up now andthey're getting tired of seats that recline. Here's Rose sitting up in her carseat instead of back where her straps are. August is in the background gesturing flamboyantly.

On his days off Rob is home to read to the babies before bed. (On workdays he gets home when they're already asleep or in their cribs protesting bedtime.) Here they are reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Hot days

Like most of the country, Seattle has had record-setting high temperatures recently. Though Rose and August have been crankier than usual, they're hanging in there. Here they are playing in our screen house at Fish Lake north of Roslyn this past weekend.

Rosie's new record, Augie's new hair

Last night Rose went to bed around 8pm and slept until 10:45am! She got up twice during that stretch to eat, so it wasn't uninterrupted sleep. But we're both surprised by how much this girl loves to sleep. Here's the look she gives us when she wants us to go away and let her sleep more.
Last week August got his first hair cut (courtesy of Daddy) and today we finally got a picture of it. He was a really good sport about the whole thing and we think he looks very handsome.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Some days...

...there just isn't anything to photograph or to post on the blog. So we start taking silly pictures like the babies reflections in the mirrors in the car. Here's Rose getting ready to leave on a trip to the grocery store.
Rosie models her new barette. It looks a little funny to us but it might just be user error. We'll keep experimenting.
August in his carseat getting ready to go to the grocery store.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

August catches up

Yesterday August rolled from his back to tummy for the first time, catching up with his sister Rose. He did it a few more times today while concentrating intently. The picture below (which was meant to be the first one here) shows him on his side working to get the whole way over. Here's a picture of Augie taking a break from the rolling work-out.

Here's Rose looking around to see where she's rolled to.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Bumbo fun

Here are Rose and August hanging out in their new Bumbo seats. Bumbos are seats for babies who have good head control but aren't yet able to sit up. We think they like them as they were getting tired of reclining in bouncy seats. Rose is holding her new favorite toy, a stuffed frog. Her old favorite toy seemed to be a washcloth. The frog is much more interesting.

Much to Augie's chagrin, Rosie persists in rolling over to him and snuggling up everytime they're in the Pack N' Play together. This makes him SCREAM to be rescued. Here he paused to have his picture taken but his face is red from protesting. We've moved them to separate cribs now for bedtime.

Here's Rosie trying out her Bumbo seat in the gymini.

Monday, July 10, 2006

We love the Seattle Public Library!

Today August and Rose got signed up for the library's summer reading program! Here they are with their record-keeping cards and their first library book, Do You Know What I'll Do? by Charlotte Zolotow. After they've listened to 10 books, they get a free one from the library.

We also found out that we can check out Baby Boxes which are themed sets of 6-8 baby books along with a music CD, activities and a guide for parents using the books. Next week we're getting the "Let's Eat" baby box and after that we're getting "Farm Animals." Hurray! We like our books at home, but we're getting tired of reading the same ones over and over.

While we were there, Becky checked out The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion. Rose and August have gotten so good at breastfeeding that Becky can actually get quite a lot of reading done while they eat.


Thursday, July 06, 2006


Rolling over is all the rage with the twins these days. Rose rolls over every chance she gets - including during diaper changes - and August is practicing diligently. Typically, he rolls on his side where he gets stuck and starts to yell. But since Rose only rolls to the left and August only to the right they keep getting jammed up in the middle of the blanket like this. Cute to watch but frustrating for the babies.

Our shiny new stroller

Here's a photo of Becky and the babies with our new jogging stroller. Though we don't plan on jogging with it, walking on trails and up steep Seattle hills is much easier than with our other stroller.

Augie and Rosie on an educational visit - the Cedar River Watershed Educational Center.

Our shiny new stroller