Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Bumbo fun

Here are Rose and August hanging out in their new Bumbo seats. Bumbos are seats for babies who have good head control but aren't yet able to sit up. We think they like them as they were getting tired of reclining in bouncy seats. Rose is holding her new favorite toy, a stuffed frog. Her old favorite toy seemed to be a washcloth. The frog is much more interesting.

Much to Augie's chagrin, Rosie persists in rolling over to him and snuggling up everytime they're in the Pack N' Play together. This makes him SCREAM to be rescued. Here he paused to have his picture taken but his face is red from protesting. We've moved them to separate cribs now for bedtime.

Here's Rosie trying out her Bumbo seat in the gymini.


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