Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Sayin' Bye-bye!

This morning we said "bye-bye" to Grandma Gloria and (Great)Aunt Nellie who'd been visiting us for the past week. They played and played and played with the babies and were already missed this afternoon. We look forward to seeing them again soon. Augie and Rosie saying "good-bye" in their jammies.
Nellie and Rosie smile for the camera.
Taken on Sunday, here August gets hoisted up from Alki Beach to walking level for a photo. We visited Alki for Gloria's belated birthday celebration.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Reposting more photos

Looks like I've figured out the quirk, so here's those haircutting pics that weren't enlargeable.

Testing Posting Problems

We're having trouble with some of the images not coming through in a way that you can click on them to enlarge them. Trying something different with the two pics from the last post below that were unclickable...

More Visitor's and LC's Kitchen

Becky's Mom and Aunt Nellie are here visiting for a week.

Here's Gloria and Rose smiling it up.

And here's Nellie with Augie.

We went to LC's Kitchen for a late breakfast (Rob's cousin Pauline's restaurant). Here's a badly-lit shot of us chowing down. Mm-mmm-good!

And here's a picture of Pauline with Rosie at LC's from way back in the end of July. Somehow we never got it posted then.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Haircuts and Visitors

The twins had there first real haircuts yesterday (Rob actually trimmed August's hair a while back). We took them to a shop that specializes in cutting children's hair. We were a little worried about whether they would sit still for it, being so young. But they both did wonderfully--no fussing or fighting at all!

Augie concentrates on the steering wheel of his space shuttle seat while getting trimmed.

Rose's turn in the seat. We hated to lose some of her curls, but her hair was getting too difficult to keep out of her face. The stylist did a great job of shortening it without changing her look too much.

Rosie models her new 'do.

Later that day, (Great) Uncle Bill and (Great) Aunt Florence, who are in town to visit their daughter Pauline, came by to visit.

Here Augie shows his new haircut to Uncle Bill...

...and then to Aunt Florence.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Playing is so exhausting...

Rob and the babies take a break from rattles and blocks.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

San Juan Islands

Yesterday we took a daytrip up to the San Juan Islands north of Seattle. We had always heard they were beautiful but neither of us had ever actually been there, since you have to drive an hour north and then take a ferry out to them. We had a great time, and they are indeed a very beautiful area!

Here's one of the ferries leaving from the ferry dock on Orcas island where we were waiting for a different ferry.

We had a wonderful shady spot with a view at the ferry dock where we could let the babies stretch while we waited for our ferry.