Saturday, September 16, 2006

Haircuts and Visitors

The twins had there first real haircuts yesterday (Rob actually trimmed August's hair a while back). We took them to a shop that specializes in cutting children's hair. We were a little worried about whether they would sit still for it, being so young. But they both did wonderfully--no fussing or fighting at all!

Augie concentrates on the steering wheel of his space shuttle seat while getting trimmed.

Rose's turn in the seat. We hated to lose some of her curls, but her hair was getting too difficult to keep out of her face. The stylist did a great job of shortening it without changing her look too much.

Rosie models her new 'do.

Later that day, (Great) Uncle Bill and (Great) Aunt Florence, who are in town to visit their daughter Pauline, came by to visit.

Here Augie shows his new haircut to Uncle Bill...

...and then to Aunt Florence.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

love seeing them getting haircuts. Augie looks very handsome and happy with Florence.


Sat Sep 16, 04:43:00 PM PDT  

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