Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Back Home Again!

Phew! Sorry about the long lapse in posting, but the family has been in Pennsylvania for the last couple of weeks. Becky and the twins (and Grandma Gloria) flew to Penn. on December 14th to Grandma's house and the land of Becky's extended family. Rob followed on the 24th, and we all flew home on New Year's Eve.
It was a really good trip, and the twins had a great time meeting all their maternal relatives and amassing new toys.
They got a crash course in gift-unwrapping. They did pretty well, but wanted to play with/eat the wrapping paper, mostly.

It seems that big, crosscountry trips correspond with developmental leaps forward for the little ones. Last time (in August) they came home and began sitting up and playing by themselves. This time they both enthusiastically took to standing and "cruising" while holding onto furniture. They REALLY seem to be ready to walk--and still neither one of them shows any interest in crawling! Auggie, in particular, can now pull himself up to standing and is constantly trying to pull himself up on anything he can get a hold of--including Rose (which never ends well).

Here they are cruising around the inside of a playpen that Grandma Gloria set up for them in her living room. They loved it! But we had to keep separating them to save Rosie's hair which August would pull at every opportunity.

We'll post lots more photos from the trip soon...


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