Monday, April 23, 2007

Visit to Dr. Kara

Today August and Rose had their first dental appointment. It may seem kind of early for them to be visiting the dentist but both the American Dental Association and the dental clinic which is part of Becky's old workplace recommend an appointment by a child's first birthday. Becky did lots of dental referrals for toddlers when she worked as a nurse at High Point Medical Clinic, so it seemed right to do the same for our kids. We chose to have them seen at High Point Dental Clinic because the staff there specializes in treating children - something Becky grew to appreciate when her office was below the dental exam room and she got to hear the yowling of little dental patients which the staff copes with every day. August and Rose were troopers and only yowled every so slightly. Here we are posing with Dr. Kara (who's last name we never remember, but we don't think she cares) and Quinh the dental assistant. Rose and August are busy exchanging the duck and whale toys they got from the dentist after the appointment. Our photographer for the above photo and kid-holder for the dental appointments was our friend Kristen who works downstairs in the medical clinic. She often helps out with Rose and August and they are always happy to see her. Here she and Rose hang out in the waiting room before our name was called.


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