Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Love that vacuum!

Although I missed the opportunity to get a really good shot of this activity, I decided to post this photo anyway. As many of you know, our kids are enamored with the vacuum cleaner - turn it on and they come running. This morning August got tired of being shooed away from the sweeper and got his own toy to push around side by side with Daddy. The moment was past by the time I grabbed the camera, but I thought it was too cute not to post.
I hope this means we've got two future enthusiastic house-cleaners in the making. We're not counting on it, though!


Blogger Cha Cha Cha said...

Now if we could only get them to clean up their highchair trays and the kitchen floor....

Wed Jun 13, 02:02:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Becky, Rob, Rose, & August said...

Augie happily runs his push toys through the mess on the kitchen floor. I guess he thinks he's helping to clean up but it just grinds it down further...

Wed Jun 13, 10:35:00 PM PDT  

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