Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Someday we'll catch up...

It's been such a long time since our last post and I've been meaning to sit down to write a catch up post. Maybe our lack of posting is the best indicator of what our lives with toddler twins are really like. We've taken very few photos recently because no one in this family is able to stand still for a picture very often. The twins are usually running in opposite directions and we're usually trying to run after them. If they notice one of us trying to snap their picture they usually abandon the pose, run to the photographer and demand to see what we see through the view finder. I thought that by now we would have posted pictures of our several family walks in the park together - walks on which all four of us walked! I thought we would have posted photos of our weekend celebrating the wedding of our friends Tom and Anna in Spokane or pictures of the kids jumping in leaves. But we were too busy with the kids to take any of those photos...I'm hoping to do a little better tomorrow on Halloween.
Meanwhile, Rose and August continue to turn into little kids. They've started daycare now, are eating more "grown up" foods and they both are talking more everyday. They mostly just use single words, but occasionally one of them will come up with a phrase. Each of them likes to help put trash in the waste can though sometimes some non-trash items, like our entire stack of clean washcloths, ends up in there as well.
My current favorite anecdote about the twins - Two weeks ago we were struggling to pack up and head home after a weekend in Spokane. Rob was outside loading the car and I (Becky)was trying to clean up the kitchen of the home we'd stayed in. It suddenly dawned on me that Rosie and Augie had been unusually quiet for a while so I went looking for them. I found them happily using one of our washcloths from breakfast and the dog's water bowl to wash their faces. With big smiles on their faces and drenched sleeves, they were delighted to show me what I good job they'd done. It was an amusing site and one of their first acts of co-operative mischief. Many more to come, I'm afraid!


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