Thursday, January 31, 2008

Augie's dabbies.

Here's August in one of his favorite pairs of jammies or "dabbies" as Rosie calls them. I usually let the kids pick out their own pajamas and last night Augie was annoyed that Rose had chosen to wear a pair of his tractor "dabbies." He really wanted her to strip and turn over the tractor set, but we managed to placate him by pointing out that his pajamas had cool pockets. As you can see, he was pretty tickled with the pockets.
Last weekend we took a ride on the new trolley from Westlake center to South Lake Union. It was good for a quick outing, but sort of a lackluster trip. I wouldn't add it to list of fun things to do in Seattle. Here we are on the trolley.
The twins are starting to put a lot of words together now and I'll try to do a better job of reporting some of their phrases here in the future. The say things like, "Elmo over" at the end of Sesame Street, "Augie head, Rosie head, Mommy head, yogurt head...(the lid?)" Rosie has been busy giving her baby a bath, changing its diaper (a washcloth with a rubber band) and showing it pictures in her books. Augie has taken to driving bits of food around his high chair tray and saying, "Beep, beep!" And of course, his cow obsession continues.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has he gotten his new cow book yet?

Auntie Juel

Fri Feb 01, 10:41:00 AM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like you had the Trolly by yourselves ! I am sure the kids enjoyed getting out and doing something different .Love the picture of Augie and his jammies ,he looks so grown up !!
Love ,grandma yoder

Tue Feb 05, 11:37:00 AM PST  

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