Thursday, July 31, 2008

Impromptu party

The other night I let the twins mix up a cake just for the fun of it which led them to the logical conclusion that we were having a birthday party. It turned out, according to August and Rosie, that one of the dolls and the plastic cow were having birthdays. So we set them on the table and sang to them but not before Augie prompted me to make us each a party hat.
Here are some other random photos of the kids playing together. There are spending more and more time in conversations together which is really fun to watch, but their interests and attention spans only match for brief moments at a time.

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Twins Playing Behind Our Curtains

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Auggie and His Binoculars

Becky made the twins each a pair of "binoculars" before our recent camping trip. They both have really enjoyed playing with them, though they're probably gonna need new ones soon, as you can see in the video.
(Sorry about the loud background music through most of it.)

Monday, July 07, 2008

4th of July Camping Trip

We braved taking the toddlers on a camping trip with a group of friends for Independence Day weekend on the east side of the North Cascades. We had a rough night with the twins the first night (both were up crying at different times) but the rest of the trip was great. They seemed to really love exploring around our campsite and just being out in the woods.

At Washington Pass Overlook along Hwy 20: Dana, Rob, Rose, and Rupert.

Becky and August at the Overlook.

Auggie exploring a grassy patch near our campsite.

Hop on Pop

Anytime we lay down on the floor (or anywhere) these days we can expect to be jumped upon by one or both of the little ones.

Rob as lounge chair for Auggie.

Daddy just trying to get in a little weekend naptime while the kids were supposed to be watching a video.