Thursday, July 31, 2008

Impromptu party

The other night I let the twins mix up a cake just for the fun of it which led them to the logical conclusion that we were having a birthday party. It turned out, according to August and Rosie, that one of the dolls and the plastic cow were having birthdays. So we set them on the table and sang to them but not before Augie prompted me to make us each a party hat.
Here are some other random photos of the kids playing together. There are spending more and more time in conversations together which is really fun to watch, but their interests and attention spans only match for brief moments at a time.


Blogger A, mama of twins said...

Nishan comes to my pc and says - Oggie and Roswee, Oggie and Roswee..

I show them the videos and he is enchanted for two whole minutes. :)

Wed Aug 06, 09:21:00 PM PDT  

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