Thursday, January 04, 2007

More from Christmas

Our time in Penn. was packed with holiday events and get-togethers. The twins did really well with it all, almost always seeming to have a good time no matter what was going on. They love hustle and bustle and crowds of people.

Here's August helping Grandma Gloria with her coffee on Christmas morning.

Rose takes a break from opening presents with her cousins Jared and Logan.

They both sit patiently eating snack puffs while waiting for everyone else to get to the table for a holiday feast.

Here Rosie is wearing a dress originally made by Grandma for Aunt Beth. Both Beth and Becky wore it for Christmases long ago. (We won't go into how many years ago that was!) Naturally, she's more interested in some tissue paper she's holding than in her presents.


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