Monday, June 25, 2007

Monday goofin' around.

There's never very much on our schedule for Mondays. So today, like most Mondays, we've just been hanging out at home and I (Becky) took some pics of the kids. August loves to help out with the housework and seizes the duster to do some cleaning whenever I leave it unattended. Unfortunately, he likes to imitate his parents so he nearly always dusts in already-dusted spots. Here he is this morning.
He got a little wound up for the camera when he realized he was getting his photo taken. What a ham.
Rosie likes to play peek-a-boo with the living room curtains. She hides behind them and then walks away from the wall to reveal herself. Then she does it all again...and again, and again, and again...
Not to be outdone by her brother's hamming it up, Rosie smiles for the camera while sitting in a box. Believe it or not, there's a lot of competition for the privilege of sitting in that box these days.


Blogger A, mama of twins said...

so sweet. at least augie didnt come and bulldoze her away like N would do to A...

Tue Jun 26, 08:17:00 PM PDT  

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