Friday, November 02, 2007

Halloween 2007

Well, I missed the picture of Rose and August looking fantastically cute in their Halloween get-ups due to a camera battery crisis. When we got them all dressed in their get-ups they were puzzled by what was going on and would have stood for a picture. Unfortunately, all the charged batteries were in their Halloween flashlights and there was no prying those out of their hands. Although they were confused at first by the idea of trick-or-treating they soon learned that it was something big kids do and happily joined in.
Here they are at the end of the night having long since chucked their hats and headbands. I couldn't tell you what they were dressed as. I just put random Halloween paraphenalia on them over their warm clothes.
Here are the headbands they started the night wearing. Augie has definately figured out what Halloween is really about...candy!


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