Sunday, September 05, 2010

Aunt Beth and Cousins Jared and Logan had sent us some carrot seeds way back in the spring. Not having a real garden space here, we planted them in an old flower box out back. We didn't have great luck--only about 6 plants eventually came up--but the kids were excited about it anyway.
The tops got large, but the stubs of the carrots that you could see above the ground were all pretty puny looking, so we weren't expecting much. Imagine our pleasant surprise when we pulled these first two out!
They were both so long that they must have been touching bottom in that flower box! And Auggie pulled out one with "legs"!

These photos were both taken as "self-portraits" --that is they were taken by the subjects holding out the camera in front of them with it facing back at them. The kids thought this was pretty funny.


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