Friday, April 15, 2011

Random Catchup

Some various pics from the last few months: We had a housewarming party in late February, and the twins made this photo-op cutout of a pirate for the guests to enjoy. Pictured is Max looking through it while J.J. waits his turn.
On occaision lately Becky has covered our dining table with large rolls of paper and then let the kids have at it with art supplies. They really enjoy it and then we have a homemade table cloth for a few days (until their messy eating renders it too gross to look at any longer).

We went to a fancy new maritime museum in Gig Harbor some weeks ago. Auggie tried on some dress up clothes they had there which were supposed to represent Naval uniforms of the mid 1800's. I don't remember exactly what was up with the leafy headress--I think it was supposed to be from Polynesian Islanders a ship might visit.

The first Saturday in April there was a parade right through our home neighborhood--the "Jr. Daffodil Parade". Various friends with little ones came over and went to the parade with us and then had lunch at our place afterwards. It was fun to have a crew of kids sharing our dinner-table bench together.


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