Thursday, November 29, 2007

Weekend pics.

This weekend we had the pleasure meeting a new set of twins, Annie and Tobin. Their mother, Sam and I went to nursing school together and we met up in Olympia to be introduced to them and their older sister Sadie. We were excited to see them for the first time and Rose was intially delighted to meet Annie. She immediately put Augie's hat on Annie and chattered away to her. She soon got tired of her mother holding another baby, though. .
Here's Augie in search of the "mamas." He spent much of the afternoon running after the llamas to get a better look. Thanks to our friends Heidi and Steve for hosting us on their beautiful property. We've started window shopping for a Christmas tree at the lot just four doors down the street. August and Rose were sort of interested in looking at trees, but more interested in running around and playing peek-a-boo with the staff.

Mommy's helpers

Rose and August like helping me with housework so much that on Thanksgiving morning I thought, "Why not let them help me make the filling for a pie?" Well, it only took a few minutes to remember "why not." They did a good job of stirring the brown sugar and salt, but then scooped it onto the table when I turned to get the eggs out of the refrigerator. Later I said to my sister, "Well it's all part of figuring out what my kids limits are - testing them out and making a big mess." She just laughed and my husband rolled his eyes.Here a sugar-coated Rose tries to make a get-a-way from the approaching washcloth.

Recently, Augie and Rosie have become found of tossing everything out of the toy box so that they can climb inside and play there. It's fun to watch them, as they cooperate pretty well when they're in there.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Video of Some Talk

Here's a video clip showing off some the recent one-word talking the kiddos are doing now. They love to name animals and make the animal noises!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Drummer Boy

Just Auggie and I (Rob) went to the zoo today. Becky and I occaisionally try to split the kids up to get in some quality one-on-one time with each of them, and I had a really good time with just Auggie there. They're old enough now that they can do some walking around to enjoy the exhibits better, but if I take them both then they have to stay in the double stroller because I can't control both of them on their feet. With only one we also can go into some of the indoor exhibits where you can't take strollers.
Near the entrance is an indoor play area called "Zoomazium" where I snapped this nice picture of Auggie beating on a drum.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Here's a good shot of the kids tussling together. They can really make each other laugh these days by wrestling around together--but they can really make each other scream and cry the same way too!

Rose has taken on the classic toddler obsession of trying to wear big people's shoes, though she can't actually take any steps this way.

Though they both like looking at books, Auggie in particular continues to be able to keep himself occupied quite well with the right book.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Halloween 2007

Well, I missed the picture of Rose and August looking fantastically cute in their Halloween get-ups due to a camera battery crisis. When we got them all dressed in their get-ups they were puzzled by what was going on and would have stood for a picture. Unfortunately, all the charged batteries were in their Halloween flashlights and there was no prying those out of their hands. Although they were confused at first by the idea of trick-or-treating they soon learned that it was something big kids do and happily joined in.
Here they are at the end of the night having long since chucked their hats and headbands. I couldn't tell you what they were dressed as. I just put random Halloween paraphenalia on them over their warm clothes.
Here are the headbands they started the night wearing. Augie has definately figured out what Halloween is really about...candy!