Sunday, November 11, 2007

Drummer Boy

Just Auggie and I (Rob) went to the zoo today. Becky and I occaisionally try to split the kids up to get in some quality one-on-one time with each of them, and I had a really good time with just Auggie there. They're old enough now that they can do some walking around to enjoy the exhibits better, but if I take them both then they have to stay in the double stroller because I can't control both of them on their feet. With only one we also can go into some of the indoor exhibits where you can't take strollers.
Near the entrance is an indoor play area called "Zoomazium" where I snapped this nice picture of Auggie beating on a drum.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a great on one !
Looks like Auggie is enjoying himself .
Grandma Yoder

Mon Nov 12, 06:05:00 AM PST  

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