Sunday, October 31, 2010

New House--Just in Time for Halloween

Well, we finally bought a house! Our new palace is in the Proctor District of north Tacoma and we just moved in a week ago. Still living out of boxes and figuring out our new commutes, etc., but it's great to be done with looking--and with the whole purchasing process.
Here's the view through our side window of the japanese maple that has turned a brilliant yellow.

Took the kids out trick-or-treating in the new neighborhood (though they seemed to be having more fun standing on our porch handing out candy to others). Auggie's wearing the skeleton costume Mommy worked very hard to make. She also made one for Rose, but the fickle 4 year old decided in the end that she just wanted to wear the same princess dress she wore last year.

Come visit us in our new place!


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